Example of how taking care of yourself with a proper diet can help keep diseases away

Fighting off a cold or flu does not have to mean spending lots of money at the store. It's likely that you keep plenty of natural health cures in your home already-you just don't know it yet! It's easy to run out to the drug store and grab a few boxes of medication when you feel the sniffles set in because it feels like the drugs are a magical cure. You're better in minutes! So much time is wasted trying to decide between all of the over the counter medicines that are available when you could start healing immediately by choosing one of the many natural remedies already sitting in your cabinets.

Peppers can go a long way toward helping you heal. If you want an easy way to boost your immune system is to eat bell peppers, which are great sources of vitamin C. Using cayenne pepper in your cooking is another great way to boost your health (and clear out your sinus passages). Putting cayenne pepper in your tea or in other foods can help stimulate your sinuses which will make it easier for you to breathe. A good way to help your body start the healing process is to eat some cayenne pepper, which will heat up your body and make it sweat, which is how the germs and toxins in your system are released. People have used ginger as a cure for the cold or flu for years. Almost everyone has some ginger on hand, whether it is in the form of a cooking spice or in the form of herbal tea. It certainly can't hurt to increase your ginger intake if you start to feel like you're getting a cold or coming down with the flu. The healing elements and antiviral compounds of ginger can help keep your illness from getting worse. Drinking ginger tea regularly can help your immune system become strong enough to fight off any colds or flues that might try to take hold.

Ginseng is a great natural health remedy. Ginseng is pretty easy to come by too--you can buy ginseng tea (both hot and iced) and it is usually easy to find in the herbal supplements section of your store.

Don't wait until you feel the flu coming on to get some, stock up on ginseng teas and drinks the next time you go grocery shopping--that way you'll be prepared the next time you catch a bug. Hot ginseng tea is best when you are feeling under the weather. In addition to the aid for your immune system, the hot tea can soothe a tired and scratchy throat and even soothe your sinuses.

There is no law that forces you to choose over the counter medication if you catch the flu. There are plenty of natural health remedies sitting right in your kitchen that will help lessen your symptoms and help your body fight the illness off. Why waste a bunch of time and money that can be better spent elsewhere? Natural health options are better than chemical options.

While this page is not specifically about rosacea it's meant to show you the benefits of following natural remedies to cure diseases. With rosacea it's possible to limit the damage if you actually put some time in changing your diet (more on this to come).